Opening and closing listers

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  Listers, the interface through which you manipulate files in Opus v5, are 
the heart of the system, so it makes sense that we should know how to open 
and close the things :) 
  Whenever you successfully open a lister, a handle for that particular 
lister will be returned in the  RESULT  variable.  This handle will be required 
if you need to do any further operations on that lister, for example, close 
 lister new  
  This is the only ARexx command that can open a lister, and it will let you 
do it in any mode, position, path, with any toolbar, iconified, invisible and 
standing on your head, (see the all new  dopus user position  command). 
 lister close  
  This command can close a single lister or it can close them all. 
 lister iconify  
  If you want to make a lot of space available on screen fast without closing 
any listers,  lister iconify  is the command for you. 
 lister read  
  This lets you read another path into the lister. 
 lister copy  
  The  lister copy  command lets you quickly copy the contents of one lister 
to another. 
 lister wait  
  Some lister operations can take a while, for example, reading in a 
directory with hundreds of files.  This command will force the script to wait 
until the lister is again ready to accept commands, ensuring that none are 

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